Talk about cutting back? I have cut back from all outside sources of deadlines except for facials and hair stylist appointments. It became a chore to paint for the gallery, a chore to have to leave the house to go to the gallery, a chore to volunteer my time, a chore to go to meetings. Once I got to all of these places it was wonderful: painting at the gallery while working, showing and talking about art, finding out about trips and wonderful things that clubs do, what could be better? BUT once I became unhappy about walking into my art room to create, I knew that it was time to get back to basics.
The Gardening Grandma that Paints is really who I am at my core. GGtP enjoys being with her children, grandchildren and husband most of all in the world, just a meal together with conversation, or maybe a movie that everybody enjoys, we all went bowling once and that's a favorite memory. Second a GGtP cooking in her kitchen for a special occasion is probably my second most favorite thing. I love to plan the meal, get to a farmers market for fresh ingredients and then cook for hours in my kitchen listening to the music that I love. Even if it's just Papa and me for dinner, I really can be in my zone with this process. Oh! and third is gardening and that includes the planning of a nice arrangement in the yard all the way to the actual digging in the dirt. Of course planning includes a few trips to a favorite nursery to see what Scott has created, and then having lunch in the Conservatory with my best escort, Jack. Probably down the line in 4th place is shopping for this GGtP but only when she has money to spend (window shopping never my thing), and it's always fun to have a grandkid or two along on which to spend that money.
So! I haven't been in my art room to paint in a couple months now. Even drawing hasn't been appetizing...however, I woke up this morning with a fresh mind and with a little of my joy back. Did a little drawing out in the back yard.
Maybe I'll begin a small painting...maybe...Bobbie, breathe...1,2,3,4 hold, breathe...okay just a maybe for now.
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