Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Grateful Sunday

So!  At my window this beautiful Sunday morning, I'm doing the gratitude thing.  I hear a few birds sharing their melodious sounds letting me know Spring is imminent.  A dong from the heavy metal chime reminds me Wind, my old friend, is still cooling the morning and spinning the smells of the flowers into my sacred window space.

As I enjoy the little puffs of yellow which will soon be happy daffodils smiling from my garden, a couple of intertwined finches hit the window pane reminding me that Spring is time for new life and renewals.  Soon we will be finding bird nests in the pepper trees and in the woodbeams of the patio.

Thank you Universe for accommodating me when you have, for pointing me in the correct direction when that was necessary, and for showing me the way when I was lost.  I am so grateful for those things that are there for me and for my being able to SEE those accommodations and directions and for the freedom to choose me.