Thursday, February 6, 2014

Besties, Holidays and the Rain

So I am finally in the mood again to write down my thoughts.  Holidays are fun and meaningful, filled with friends and family and mostly the interruption into our regular scheduled lives is welcome; however for me, once the excitement passes I am ready to get back to the uneventfulness of my life now. And then of course we lost a very close sister, Jack's oldest sister really, and the suddenness of the event was very disrespectful though the part we played in the scenario was good for my husband in that he became very cognizant of family love and all the meanings surrounding it.

Today I am off to the Crocker with bestie Margot.  We will have a wonderful day as always when we are together.  We will finish one another's sentences, laugh at the same things and love the same things.

Rain began last night after no rain yet this year, so for so many reasons I will be breathing steadily an well.

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