Friday, November 22, 2013

Visiting the View Out of Other Windows

New windows are very exciting, and even better are windows that we visit every so often.  We can reunite with sights, feelings, and stories that feed our souls.  

Visiting family that are not close by is something we tend to every few months.  It's so envigorating to be around young people-- they are going to work and school, telling us about their present victories, accomplishments, experiences all while we are in their environment which is so different than ours.  After all, there are the family pets, the stash of morning cereals that are not bought with fiber being the main ingredient, the television programs that are not newsworthy, the timetables and schedules that are a must to everybody but we retired folks.  

After a few days of being with these loved ones,  of enjoying what they enjoy and seeing things through their eyes, we will be refreshed again and ready to return to our fiber filled cereals and easy listening music.  

Right now though we are excitedly awaiting a school bus to drop off our charges.  What will we do with them once they are in our midst?  Perhaps a movie?  Whatever it is, I anticipate some lovely smiles and feelings of love all around me.

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