Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Thoughts

At my window this Sunday morning, all I have is to be grateful for all of my blessings.  Jack and I love our home, our garden, our friends here in our neighborhood.  We also have loverly friends outside of our neighborhood, more like family.  We are so grateful for all of those.

For me, I am grateful for my husband and his loving ways.  He is my rock to lean on when I am weak and tired, he is my muse, my one-man appreciation party.  Without make-up, without clothes, when I am at my husband still sees the good me and loves me.

I am grateful for my daughters; they are my touch stones, my links to my past and the reasons for my pride.  I learn from them everyday, they love me with all my warts and pimples and enough to share the honesty that keeps me sane.

The grandkids let me get out my inner-child and feel the freedom that brings me.  They love the stories that only I can tell, and when I am with them we share my memories and their interpretations which always leads to laughter and contentment.  I am so grateful for the ideas and profound lessons I learn from them.

I am also so grateful for Jack's kids.  They share stories of  Jack's earlier life, and they carry so many of their dad's traits, tastes and emotions.  It's a pleasure to see and feel life as they do.  Their children also bring out my inner child and we share the love that only an extra grandma can bring.

The material things?  I am grateful for material things, they help to form who I am.  The thought that if I lose my material possessisons, I will be burdened with finding out who I am without them, never is far away.  BUT I  also know that I will be grateful when/if that time comes...and it may not be a burden but a new adventure for me.

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