Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sissies and Old Age

The wind is making us a little nuts lately.  Papa's allergies drive him nuts.  My plants and trees suffer if I don't get out there and hand water every nook and cranny of the yard.  Even Kollin had a bloody nose yesterday from the dry air.  Oh, to have such problems and I say this smiling because I am not at all serious-- just a little part of daily life.

I read a blog yesterday by a girl that has fibromyalgia and her piece was about the invisibility of her illness.  She looks well so it's difficult for people to understand her sickly behavior.

And so it goes with ageing.  At points in an individual's life there are peaks; a time when all body organs are at their optimum, a time when all the bones have gotten to the best place they are ever going to be, the brain is at it's quickest and most healthy, muscles don't hurt and are supple and strong, a time (about 42 lol) when we look our best.  Then the human body begins its descent.

It begins in minor ways.  One notices street signs are difficult to see, it is more and more difficult to open jars and medicine bottles, there are nights when sleep is elusive, it takes a little longer to process  information and to "get" jokes.  I remember when it began for me Mom had a pillow that read OLD AGE AIN'T FOR SISSIES and we laughed, me thinking this old age thingee is a piece o' cake.

Now that I'm full fledged into it that pillow is not so funny.  I need one pair of glasses to see the street signs when I drive and a different pair to see for reading.  So that means of course I cannot see how fast I am going if I elect to see where I am going.  And yes there are those bifocal glasses that absolutely drive my brain crazy so those are not an option for me.   I just hang two pairs of glasses from my neck when I am out nowadays.  The arthritis in my thumbs is now moving to fingers and my forearms so I do a slow exercise routine in the A.M. so that I'm ready to open jars and bottles in the P.M.. Ha!  Jack and I hafta eat very carefully because not enough fiber is a problem, too much richness and tasty foods are a problem and heaven help us if we have too much alcohol, dessert, salsa, fried foods,  gravies, sauces, meats, processed stuff, and delicious fast foods.

Don't even get me started on our hearing, understanding jokes, and sleeping...those are stories for another day.

I end with stating that the invisibility of old age is probably a good thing, otherwise nobody would want to go there.  And if I am in denial and old age isn't invisible, just don't tell me!   I just thank the Universe that Jack and I are not and never have been Sissies...laughing out loud.

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