Thursday, September 17, 2015



Another acrylic to add to my month of paintings. 

I actually just finished this painting today; it was begun a few years ago.  At the time I originally painted it, I was showing my art at the Sutter Creek Gallery.  I was so intense at the time trying to do enough paintings to keep the exhibit fresh and different.  For me it was no longer about the process but just churning out paintings to hang and sell.  I sold quite a few, was busy and feeling good about keeping up with other artists and the numbers we were putting out there.

When I finally decided to let go of all of that and get back to the joy of creating, there were a few that had never sold.  I didn't really like this one and didn't know why for a long time.  I hung it in the bathroom where I could study it and after a year or so knew that the light was coming from behind the trees.  I had painted them with sun shining all over the place and not much change in values.  I have darkened them and tried to place some value changes on this side though they are dark...I like it much better.  

So this small 11x14 took me oh maybe 3 years to paint.  The preliminary work I did when I was showing and selling at the gallery.  Today I finally added the finishing touches and voila!